
You've come a long way, baby!

Sexualization Of Girls Is Linked To Common Mental Health Problems In Girls And Women
A report of the American Psychological Association (APA) released today found evidence that the proliferation of sexualized images of girls and young women in advertising, merchandising, and media is harmful to girls' self-image and healthy development. (Science Daily Article)
No kidding?!? (I know sarcasm is difficult to convey in print, but that was.)
It's great that someone spoke up, but did it really take scientists?
Create an unattainable ideal that will affect everyone at the earliest possible age and then sell them the products that offer temporary relief; it's the same psycho-social mechanics as drugs.

And where is the indignation? This is turning young girls into sex objects and yet society tries to feign offense at pedophilia. It's all quite disturbing.
And if there is a backlash, I don't think it will come from a woman positive angle. I think it will come from fear of women's assertion of their own sexualities.

1 comment:

Middle Child said...

Have a look at my daughter's small website http://www.angelswings.com.au/

and read her story "anna and the bull " and mine "The Mother's story" and others some of us know exactly the tragedy of this subject you have raised...its effect is as bad as heroin etc etc...

luckily she has recovered fully but not without a lot of heartache.