
Angels Wings

A long time reader of my ramblings commented on the post You've come a long way, baby! and I want to reprint the comment and promote her daughter's website concerning Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Nervosa.
Middle Child said...

Have a look at my daughter's small website http://www.angelswings.com.au/

and read her story "anna and the bull " and mine "The Mother's story" and others some of us know exactly the tragedy of this subject you have raised...its effect is as bad as heroin etc etc...

luckily she has recovered fully but not without a lot of heartache.

Friday, February 23, 2007 3:06:00 AM EST

Thanks Middle Child

1 comment:

Middle Child said...

Thank you also...there are a lot of free thinkers on this blog connection which came to me through Charlie Taylor and which I am grateful for...it makes the world however dreadful it seems and is at times a much more gentle anc ivilised place without all the crap which happens when you talk in real life...sad I guess...

the daughter who started this up is just bloody amazing...she can talk about every subject in a common sense way and she has more knowledge than most twice her age although like me she left school about 16 as did my husband and eldest daughter...

education is no precursor to common sense thats for sure...I appreciate your inclusion of Alison's website and will let her know.