
For Want of a Dentist

You can't make this shit up
Pr. George's Boy Dies After Bacteria From Tooth Spread to Brain
Twelve-year-old Deamonte Driver died of a toothache Sunday.

A routine, $80 tooth extraction might have saved him.

If his mother had been insured.

If his family had not lost its Medicaid.

If Medicaid dentists weren't so hard to find.

If his mother hadn't been focused on getting a dentist for his brother, who had six rotted teeth. (More...)
Fighting them there so...
I'm trying to stay away from the political, but fuck man!

1 comment:

Middle Child said...

The U.S. Australia, the U.K. Canada and Australia and new Zealand are the most heavily Fluoridated counries on earth... all English speaking countries...the bulk of the rest consider Fluoride to be too toxic to consider putting in the water.

We live in a soup of the bloody stuff...

If Fluoride was so good as they spruiked...there would be NO decay...

It is a toxic red herring they drag accross the path of those wanting to be good parents, to disguise the fact that they couldn't give a shit about decay and pain and poverty...

The bastards. Poor little bugger.