

They say that computer whizzes and such can track people fairly easily on the net. While I'm more comfortable than most, I'm not an expert. So I was surprised by how much information I could gather on visitors to Complex 39.
Now I feel obligated to warn everyone...the vanity counter below, at the bottom of the page will put a cookie on your machine (most sites do). The very act of clinking to a webpage anywhere can log your visit.
This is the information I have for the week (I won't post anything particularly sensitive). As you can see I can go deeper and view by city and by IP. Those details I'll keep private, but that doesn't mean blogger itself isn't keeping track, or google, or your ISP, or that sex tracking cookie, or....

I spent a lot of time concerned with keeping my identity private so I could happily continue in the intelligence or investigation field. Then I decided, if THEY don't like what I have to say about intelligence issues then fuck 'em, I don't really want to work where THEY are, humping the bosses leg, feeding them what THEY want to hear, lying to the "client" or "consumer" to keep the dollars rolling and not offending any of THEM. I don't want to work in Rah! Rah! fucking Law Enforcement if THEY want to keep doing the same old, tired bullshit that hasn't changed a damn thing since time immemorial. Crack a few fucking skulls, point fingers at the reprobates, and fucking call it a day. Hor-fucking-ray for the home team! God fucking bless you if you want to take that fucking barrel over the waterfall, but me...I've gotta get going on to a place where I can fucking live with myself. Fuck the oil kleptocrats, the product oligarchs, and the fucking theocracy cabal. I'm gonna find a nice non-profit or NGO and go help some people. Don't get me wrong, there are necessary services provided, but when the product is so manipulated and the manpower purged of anyone who might disagree...that's not intel, that's the manufacturing of (sur?)reality and consent.

Proposed IAO logo. It proved to be too creepy.

My former affiliation

Thank you. Thank you very much...
Now I've gotta take my meds for this fucking ulcer.

And by the way... a big "hello" and I'll try to keep my fucking country out of yours to all the foreign visitors (Is there really a foreign on the net?).

Additional resources
Bruce Schneier - Schneier on Security
CCleaner - freeware system optimization and privacy tool

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