
Soundtrack for Ballard

As many of you know, my "ambient" soundtrack is usually nothing more than a good Rock n' Roll tune from the Clash, Ramones, Jerry Lee Lewis, and such.

However, if you dig disturbing (albeit a bit cliché) ambiance to contemplate the J.G. Ballard you just read, here's a pretty nifty link:
Here's a list of the track titles which in of itself I find disturbing. I find relief in the fact that I can still be troubled - but that's the point of Ballard, isn't it?:
The Sands Of Shepperton
Crumbling Infrastructures
Cloud Sculptor
Dawn - Utah Beach
Rusting Gantry
Love And Bullets For Bobby & Jack
Motel Architecture
Concrete Islands
The Sign Of The Radar
Abandonned Motorway
Vermillion Drift
Drained Swimming Pools
Burning Wreckage
Schematics For Terminal Seventeen
The Death Of Reagan
Capsule Retrieval
Island Gardens
After The Hurricane
While searching for a disturbing, Ballardian illustration to add some eye candy to this little post, I ran across the above disturbing picture associated with this article:
Designer terror-porn now in vogue
The horrific images of abuse at Abu Ghraib have been recycled in the name of fashion. (Article)

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