
Lawn Order Cult Attacks U.S. Women, Children

A gathering of citizens and foreign supporters who were engaged in their patriotic duty of exercising First Amendment rights were sprung upon by a south-east U.S. branch of the Lawn Orders. The Lawn Orders was originally formed in as a citizen aid society in 1829 in London, but has over the years degenerated into a cult-like group of authority worshipers. While Law Enforcement organizations still contain members who "Protect and Serve" and enforce Constitutional protections for the citizens of the U.S., the Lawn Order cult was born out of generations of recruitment among society's most afflicted with self-confidence issues and authority complexes leading to a "siege" mentality among it practitioners.
More on the terror inducing attack...

Los Angeles Police Response to Immigration Rally Probe (NewsHour - PBS)

Members of LAPD Lawn Order cult
Members of the press corps were also attacked while attempting to document the events.

TV Crew Caught In Clash Between Protesters, Police

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wasn't that just a wonderful way to wind up for the anniversary of the Kent State shootings?