
"It's that we're doing it ourselves"

Bruce Schneier on Big Brother:
The fear isn't an Orwellian government deliberately creating the ultimate totalitarian state, although with the U.S.'s programs of phone-record surveillance, illegal wiretapping, massive data mining, a national ID card no one wants and Patriot Act abuses, one can make that case. It's that we're doing it ourselves, as a natural byproduct of the information society. (Essay)
...and consumer society. I'm all for free market, but so are THEY and THEY're not our friends.

Whiplash segue.

THEY are the Artificial Intelligence entities that are the institutions that feed off of our toils known as a corporation. It's the entities that when viewed as a whole are functioning single "beings." These beings exist to feed the multi-neural (shares of stock) impulse to generate profit and revenue in the shortest amount of time as possible. Everyone wants huge returns on their investments while abdicating their responsibility to understand the consequences of the actions that their companies take in the effort to satisfy the maximum profit condition. This creates an organization that behaves like a being with all sub-sets having to behave more-or-less how the whole entity wants them to behave or else be purged. With limited liability, each sub-function is able to function with less conscience than might normally be employed.
This creates a whole that can be considered a psychopath.

From Wikipedia's article on the 2003 documentary The Corporation (available in 23 parts at YouTube):

The Pathology of Commerce

Dr. Robert Hare, a consultant to the FBI on psychopaths, draws parallels between a psychopath and the modern corporation. His findings corroborate the following behavior:

  • Callous unconcern for the feelings of others
  • Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships
  • Reckless disregard for the safety of others
  • Deceitfulness: Repeated lying and conning of others for profit
  • Incapacity to experience guilt
  • Failure to conform to the social norms with respect to lawful behaviors
And think about it. These entities spend billions of dollars every year trying to BELIEVE or researching how to get you to BELIEVE. They spend billions to influence human behavior. They spend billions to influence human laws.
No, the alien entitiy that threatens human existence won't be in the for of Arnold Schwarzenegger in a leather jacket and chasing some tween. It won't look like a green slime from space chasing a theater full of kids.

No, THEY look entirely different

Link to The Corporations website.

The movie trailer...

"Harry" Tuttle Lives!

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