
M.D.C. comes to life

Many years ago, from reading Toffler, Gibson, Dick, Ballard, et al I had a sense that in the future we would no longer ask "Where are you from?" but "Who do you work for?". And who enforces the policies and protects the interests of the MDC's?...

From the website...
Blackwater USA is the most comprehensive professional military, law enforcement, security, peacekeeping, and stability operations company in the world.

Blackwater USA comprises nine separate business units to offer the most comprehensive professional security, peacekeeping, and stability operations company in the world.

To support security, peace, freedom, and democracy everywhere.

To support national and international security policies that protect those who are defenseless and provide a free voice for all with a dedication to providing ethical, efficient, and effective turnkey solutions that positively impact the lives of those still caught in desperate times.

Blackwater is committed to the foot soldiers -- the men and women who stand on the frontlines of the global war on terror and who believe in a peaceful future for their communities and nations. Whether serving in or out of uniform, Blackwater is committed to providing these men and women with the very best in training and tactical support to ensure they are fully prepared to meet current and future global security challenges. (Website...)

I don't have to say how evident that Blackwater, by their very existence, represents the U.S.'s slow demise at the hands of corporate power. THEY have been trying to figure out a way to undermine that pesky Constitution without overtly overthrowing the government.
Just keep repeating the mantra "Money good! Government by the people, for the people bad!"
Outsourcing war to those that fight for money is ++ ungood.
Blackwater at WikipediaAnd soldiers' hostility towards merc's are just jealousy.

"Selfish Shit"

1 comment:

Frederick said...

These are the kinds of people they used to employ in Italy's city states back in Machiavelli's days....