

I've been spending time sipping Blue Hawaiians in the tiki room and ducking all things intense for the past week or so. I have however, been collecting some interesting links.

Key 64 - For the mystical. Articles like "Developing an internal body language.", "Sizing up your magical practice", and "Neon Genesis Evangelion and the Psycho-Shamanic Journey"
I'm more of a practical application, Quantum sorcery kinda guy myself.

If you've been beset by disaster, the Red Cross has their "Safe and Well List." Folks can list themselves as "Safe and Well" and those looking for them can search. Good for the traveler.

If you think we're going to make it, there's the

If not, here's "Make your own biodiesel." Here in the north east we use a lot of heating oil. This is a simple process and can be done for as little as 50 cents a gallon. Tap into the oil line with a proportioning valve and you're augmenting your fuel with a cleaner burning material while reducing costs. The trick is to get the grease and actuall process it.

With I leave you with a couple of episodes of Vegas Vic's Tiki Lounge radio show.
SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you can add a link to my Legoland Needs Women! petition as well? As causes go, it's a fairly minor one, but still, you gotta start changing the world _somewhere_.