

In history, there have been the Hyksos, the Hittites, the Visigoths, the Huns, the Golden Horde, the Crusaders, and countless other unnamed peoples who have arrived with sword and torch to bring devastation to society. Today they use bombs and AK-47s. And in the future, even if education raises up humanity from the gutters of ignorance there will still be those of the fanatic pathology. It is likely there will always be barbarians.

But that won't destroy America either.

You will.

I'm referring to the screeching fear-addicts who have raped the United States so thoroughly that they should be drawn up on charges of treason. The cowards who, unlike their grandfathers and earlier ancestors, want a nanny state to coddle them, hug them, and ultimately contain them in a little crib with bars and monitors and cameras.
A lot of venom in this piece. I like it. Word for word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Martin Berman is of the opinion that what we are seeing is he end of America's "empire phase"....and that may be true. I'd like to see an America that doesn't need a frickin' emprire----one that feeds itself, gets some manufacturing muscle back, and stops needing to scare the populace silly to justify military misadventures that enrich asshats who never put in a day in military service. Venom....man, I could have it as my morning coffee!