

...again for those that check here from time to time (thank you Middle Child, comments keep me writing).
It's been a busy couple of months (I do have very mundane, real world obligations).
With that, a quick thought -

It's not Global Warming...

It's Revenge!

Gaia hypothesis

1 comment:

Middle Child said...

Sometimes I wonder how on earth life survived the many millions of years when the earth was covered in volcanoes. I know where we live, along the great diciding range that runs down the east coast of Australia, Volcanoes were active and constantly spewed ash and CO2 etc etc for millions of years. Life was...before this time and was after...

I somehow think the earth can take care of herself but what worries all of us is that we may not be able to be around to see it... it may not be human life and it may not be pretty to our eyes... but still up to us to try and stop the craziness...