
More Diesel

Rudolf Diesel

Diesel Engine
An engine that operates on diesel fuel and principally relies on compression-ignition for engine operation. The non-use of a throttle during normal operation is indicative of a diesel engine. - EPA

Here's an interesting take on the genre of Dieselpunk.
The term Dieselpunk was first coined by Children of the Sun game designers Lewis Pollak and Dan Ross. A subgenre of Steampunk, the Dieselpunk world is one with an industrial level of development and informed by Cyberpunk sensibilities. The term was probably born out of a necessity to label the Steampunk-like works of fiction set in an era that is usually considered post-Steampunk, e.a. from the end of the First World War up until the 1980s or so which typically is the domain of Cyberpunk, though fiction that takes place in the decades upon World War II may also be labelled “atomicpunk”. (More from OTTENSteam.)

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